Friday, May 20, 2011

SFMTA meeting of March 2, 2011

The MTA Board hearing is linked below. There are five separate locations of relevant footage.

From 7:36-15:14, taxi services staff receives a group recognition award. Barry Taranto and Dave Schneider speak from 24:12-27:12 on this agenda item (#7, Executive Director's Report, which encompasses other topics as well.)

Under item #9, general public comment, three of the five speakers from 31:44-44:12 are taxi drivers (Christopher Fulkerson, B. Taranto, D.Schneider.)

Consent calendar item # 10.9, concerning administrative penalties for  taxi drivers, is addressed by two speakers from 1:04:11-1:08:27 (B. Taranto, Tara Housman.)

Item # 11 pertains to referring the MTA Board proposal for a peak time taxi medallion system to the taxi advisory council for input and feedback. The Board unanimously approved the referral resolution. Prior to comments by Directors Heinicke and Oka, there are eight speakers (C. Fulkerson, B. Taranto. D. Schneider, Ed Healy, Carl Macmurdo, Tone Lee, Peter Witt, and Mark Gruberg.) The footage is from 1:08:28-1:30:30.